Friday, December 5, 2008
Looking Forward to 2009
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I bought my tickets today for Britney! I am pumped! They were totally worth every penny and I will be so close to the stage!
Seriously, if she wipes her brow of sweat it will hit me in the face. That is how I roll!!! Me and Janet are going to go and we decided we are going to dress up like Britney when we go to the concert. I am going to be Ringmaster Britney (ringmaster hat, ringmaster jacket, black pants, black boots, and a long wavy blonde wig) and Janet will be Toxic Flgith Attendent Britney (blue flight attendent dress, flight attendent hat, little shoulder jacket, blonde wig, blue heels). I can't wait for April to hurry up and get here. Here are pictures of the costumes we are going to get for the concert (Janet's is a darker blue then in the Toxic video so we will have to do something about that). I also posted a picture of the arena and where I will be sitting ha-ha! Enjoy!!!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
It's Britney B!TCH
Saturday, November 8, 2008
What's New and What's to Come
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
More updates
Moving to the East Side
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
It Was Fun While It Lasted
Friday, August 29, 2008
California Here I Come!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
FIRST my team at work was broken up two weeks ago and we were all split up and put on different teams with different managers. I am on a team with people who do not talk at all - but hey, at least I still have Logan, Troy, and Adam with me. Except, Troy is about to bounce the hell out of the eternal bog of stench called UOP next week.
SECOND my sister got a damn dog after I told her not too and the asshole is peeing and pooping everywhere. You can put him outside, rub his nose in it, and smack the shit out of him and the freaking dumb ass dog doesn't get it or just plain does not give a rats ass. He just looks at you like you are stupid and does it again!
THIRD, and this is the topper here.........Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was supposed to come out November 21, 2008. The teaser trailer just came out a couple weeks ago and it is AWESOME. I literally got chills going down my back, my arm hair stood up on end, and I had a little tear of joy in my eye. Then what happens? The worst network in the world, WB, decided to push the release back a year to July 17th, 2009. Their reason? Two things....they did not have any big movies coming out next summer to bring the money in like The Dark Knight has due to the.....get this.....writers strike that happened last fall! What bull shit! Escpecially when the damn thing is already completed and in post production. I can't even remember the second reason because the first reason is gay enough. They pretty much just said a big F*** YOU to all the fans and made a horrible mistake letting everyone know that all they care about is money. Too bad for them that Transformers 2 comes out next summer and that is going to kick HP's ass! Optimus Prime rules, even against Harry Potter. Sadly the HP train has lost its steam, alure, and momentum with all the crazy bull shit the execs at WB have pulled. By the time the last movie comes out the actors who play Harry, Ron, and Hermonie will be able to play their adult parts in the last scene of book 7. Sorry but it is the truth because this is the last freaking straw. First they RUIN the movies by not following the books and then the piss off all the fans by not even promoting the movie until four months from its release date, then take it away like some sick joke.
Yeah, that's right I am pissed off about a dumb movie and ranting and raving about it. What are you going to do about it? That is right, just sit back and laugh at my expense. I would too if I were you right now. But with all bad things there are some good. These are what keep me going.
I actually really like my manager. He is more hands on then my other one and is taking more time out to sit with everyone and try to help them gain the skils necessary to at least stay afloat in the company. He has a lot to show everyone and is very encouraging and supportive. Plus he is cool with me cursing, burping, being loud and obnoxious, all the good stuff. Not to say my other manager was not a good manager because he was and I am sad that I am no longer part of his team, but he was also not as active in how well we all did and let a lot of things get way out of hand and out of control on the old team.
I also was able to complete the Twilight series with the final book, Breaking Dawn. I read the book in 26 hours and it was TOTALLY WICKED!!! I had about four moments where I could have sworn my heart stopped beating. This was my second favorite book by far in the series, following a hair away from the original Twilight. I can't wait until everyone I know is done reading it and I can actually talk about it in the open! AHHHH it is killing me to keep all my Twilight mania excitement bundled up in this short body of mine! There is only so much that 5 ft can hold!
Let me just say, I already have my TEAM EDWARD shirt to wear to the movie coming out December 12. I will be there opening night wearing my shirt proud and true and will be united by other Twilighters like myself who have fallen in love with Edward Cullen. He may be a figment of Stephenie Meyer's imagination but he is the single best thing that has come into my life in the last year. HAHA! That is pretty pathetic, but unfortunatly true. Let me ask you a question, does your werewolf sparkle? Didn't think so!
My brother Elijah started kindgergarten on Monday and I cannot believe how big he got. I am not ready for him to grow up. Next comes dances, girlfriends, sleep overs, sneaking out, lying, arguing, attitude, pimples, hair growing in weird places, voices changing......I AM NOT READY! I told him if any girls talk to him in school to push them in the dirt and run. If they don't get the hint I will have to make a stop by the school one day to set those little heffa's straight. LOL. I love him to death though and can't wait to see what kind of man he grows up to be with all us crazy ass women in his life.
And my trip to California is coming up in 2 weeks and let me just say that I cannot freaking wait to leave this horrible state called Arizona right now. I want to get as far away from my job as possible for a little bit to just breath. Disneyland is my escape. Where I can forget my worries and problems and just be a kid, take in all the crazy sights and lights and food and go to bed more exhausted then I have ever been in my life. I never get a goods night sleep like I do after spending a whole day at the park. My brother is big enough to go on the rides this year too so it will be really fun to make this an amazing experience for him. My family never got to do these things when my sisters and I were growing up because we never had the money to be able to even dream up this kind of trip, let alone go on it. It is nice that we can do this for my brother and make sure he gets what we lacked growing up :)
Okay I think I got it all out. Whew, I feel better! I am still bummed about HP but I have a plan. I am going to boycott all WB shows for the rest of the year. That means AMNT and Gossip Girl are shit out of luck. Whatever, I don't need them. I need my HP fix!!!! Good night all :)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Siyanara Sucker!
Funny and sad thing is it felt AMAZING to be such a frigid bitch. I feel like myself again. I am quick to call people out on their bullshit and let the other roommate slide. Hell no, not this time. I don't even feel bad at all about it. I just feel upset because this happened and could have been easily avoided if he would have a) not moved in, b) been able to live up to his word and handle his repsonsibilities, or c) I made enough money to pay for my house on my own.
Yeah that is my Saturday HAHA. I just don't know why I have that luck with roommates. I am not a bad person but why do people try to take advantage of me and use me? When can I start using other people? LOL. I just can't believe people sometimes and pitty those that are like my ex roommate Justin who have nothing going for themselves and will continue to mooch off of people throughout their life to amount to something. All I have to say is goodbye and good ridance. Now I have to figure out what I want to do because I cannot afford my mortgage on my own. My sister and her boyfriend live with me and pay rent but it is just not enough. I can rent my room out again, rent my house out, get a second job/pick up some OT hours at work and try to make ends meet, or just walk away and let my house get repossessed and get an apartment at 800 a month and be able to live in it comfortably. My mortgage is outragious - I pay $1092 a month plus $156 a month for HOA. If I was living in a pimped out, new house then I would be okay with it but my house was built in 1973 and still has the original marble carpet and green appliances. Honestly at this point it may not be a complete loss to let this thing go. So now I am undecided and trying to figure out my situation and not lose my cool and not go crazy. I want to crawl into a ball and just rock back and forth but I don't have time to slow down for one minute because I am trying to do thousands of things at one time. I can't afford to lose a single minute to lose my cool because I have to take care of myself, my sister, her baby, my pets.....Life sucks as an adult! Never grow up.
My head is so jumbled with crap and there is so much more I want to write but I am just so exhausted I could give a shit right now LOL. Hope you enjoyed this rant :)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
This Weekend
Friday, June 27, 2008
My closest friend is Janet who I have know and been inseperable with for the past 3 1/2 years. I love her to death but lately we have been growing apart. She has three kids (Chris Jr., Kiyah, and Kiarra). I love them like they were my own family. Janet is 33, going on 34 this year and is divorced. We come from totally seperate worlds but were able to build a friendship because we are very similar in our personalities. I purchased a 2008 Lancer SE last year and gave it to Janet because she did not have a reliable mode of transportation. The car is in my name only but she drives it, maintains it, and pays for the car payment and insurance. That is where the major problem in our friendship lies. She has not taken the best of care to the car - honestly it looks like a five year, used up with kids eating and spilling crap everywhere, dings and dents, late payments, you name it. I see this as the way she views our friendship because I went out on a limb, screwed up my credit, to help her out. I love her to death but we got into a huge fight a week ago and I told her to leave me alone and when I am ready to talk to her I will. Funny thing is I don't mind seeing her, I just don't want to talk to her.....If that makes sense. Everything is up in the air with her right now but I know this is not a deal breaker in our friendship, just a hard fucked up leason to learn.
I also have made some good friendships at work - Cooper, Julie, Jake, and Megan are people who I am thankful for knowing and value as my friends. Jake has been my buddy since day one. He hit the floor a month or so before I did and I have sat next to him for the past two years. He was the first person I got to know on the team and oddly enough, the first Mormon I knew (I am sure I have met others before but never knew from the getgo). He has taught me a lot about patience, religion, Mormons, love, and life. I am sure he doesn't even know that because I don't talk to him about that crap but he really has. He has given me really good advice about what to do with my life and my relationships. He is one of the most genuine, sweetest, funnies, coolest Momo's I have met :) He will apprecaite that comment. Through him I also met his wife, Mallory, who is also just as great of a person as he is. Together they created Connor who is just adorable and lucky to have Mallory and Jake as his parents. He will grow up to be an amazing young man. Jake and the family are moving within the next couple weeks to Utah and I can't even think of what it will be like to not see his face at work five days a week, talk about his baby, catch up on how well Mallory is doing.....It is unreal to imagine not knowing them but I know I have some newfound, good friends with them and will make it my mission to keep in contact with them....Even though they are going to be in another state.
Cooper and Julie.....What can I not say about them?! Cooper is so spunky and quirky and I just love it. She is positive and infectious which is amazing to feel and be influenced by. I have become really close with her and Julie the last year. They were open enough to allow me into their lives and show me what it is like to have friends who not only take but give back and are more then happy to lend a helping hand when you need it. Julie is probably the second red head I have ever known, haha. She is fiesty as hell, passionate, friendly, strong, and determined. She helped me gain the confidence in myself to make the changes in my life I only dreamt of doing. Julie helped me become motivated and strong. I can never thank her enough for the transformation she has helped me begin! I am glad I have become closer to Cooper and Julie because I see life long friendships with them and glad to have people so amazing in my life and to see that I can trust people and that they have my back when I need it the most. I can't believe Julie is leaving tomorrow to New Mexico. At least I have an excuse to visit that state now :)
Megan.....Man do I love her! We have been through a lot together at work and have been each others side kick and rock through all that crap. I am glad I had her to lean on because I am not sure how well I would have dealt with things had she had not been there. She is the sweetest, funniest, and wittiest person I have met. She is honest and never holds back. She is genuine and "sparkles". She introduced me to the world of reading and opening myself to things I have never considered before. I have been able to tell her things that I have not told anyone before about my relationship with my dad, my view on religion, my anger towards God at one point for taking away my grandpa.....All my confussed feelings. She was able to make me feel comfortable enough to talk about those things and to be willing to listen to what someone else has to say. She is moving too! She will be joining Jake in Utah....I guess I have to go there now :)
These are just snipits of how I feel about these people. I don't like to get too mushy but wanted to share my apprecaition for these amazing people in my life. That is all for now. I'm sure I will have more to write about soon because my life is never dull!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Another Sigh.....Last one for the day
Questions, Anxiety, What If's, Hurt.....
You think that sounds bad, check out the symptoms. Symptoms include fatigue, lack of appetite, fever, muscle and joint aches, and stiffness. Multiple joints are usually inflammed in a symmetrical pattern and most of the small joints like your hands, wrists, and feet are involved. Simple tasks like turning a door knob or removing a staple from a peice of paper become difficult and painful. There is also dryness in the eyes and mouth. It also affects the lungs and causes chest pain with deep breathing or coughing. It also affects the amount of red and white blood cells a persons body has and this can affect the spleen and increase risks of infections.
There isn't much out there to help this disease. A medicine will work for a while but it always stops working. There is no cure for this. The goal of most current treatment is to reduce joint inflammation and pain, maximize joint function, and prevent joint destruction. What really sucks in the medications usually bring about more symptoms that are worse then the pain itself!
My mom always complains about hurting but today it really hit me. I thought it was just like a cramp pain or a soreness pain like when you hit your elbow into the edge of a corner. My mom has been really bad lately because she stopped taking her medicine. Eventually it just stopped working for her and she was in pain and figured she might as well not be on the meds if that was how it was going to be. My mom was in tears just from the pain and this is a woman who is strong and does not show emotion from pain. She told me today she couldn't even grasp or hold up a stack of paper, take a staple out of a peice of paper, turn the key in her car.....I have never seen my mother in so much pain, look so weak and fragile, and so lost. She is giving up and the pain is becoming too much for her. I realized that this disease will not stop, she will never get better, and it will only get worse. This disease will cripple her if not kill her.
I can not imagine my life without my mom in it and this scares me more then anything ever has. What would I do? How would I be able to pick up the pieces and carry on without her? I talk to her multiple times a day, see her almost every day of the week. She is my best friend and keeps me going when I want to give up. What about my brother? He is only 5....Who would take care of him? What would we tell him? How can we help make him understand what is going on? How will this impact his life? I don't know what to do to help her feel better and I am not sure I could even if there was something I could do. I feel lost and it breaks not just my heart but my soul to see my mom in such pain. She goes to the doctor on Wednesday but that is still five days away....things can get worse for her by then. I am not sure she can take much more or much worse then she is dealing with now. I can't believe how selfish and naive I have been and realize how much more I could have done to help.
I am glad I started this blog because I need somewhere to go and just get my feelings out. I want to cry so bad but I stop myself. It is a sign of weakness to me. Crying solves nothing, it helps nothing.....So why do it? I just keep moving on. I really want to just stop myself, shake myself out from this fog, and allow myself to feel emotion. The only one I have no problem with showing or feeling is anger. I don't know what to do. I can only wish for the best and pray for something to come along to help her because I could not imagine my life without her in it. I know one day she will have to leave but I want that to be when she is in her 80's to 90's, finished watching my brother grow up to be an amazing person, and watch me and my sisters grow. I want her to have a happy life full of good memories and not pain. She has so much to offer and gain and I don't want to see those opportunities taken from her. Not like this.....