Wow, where to start! First off my name is Liz, I am 23 (soon to be 24!). That puts me way too close to the "half-way-to-my-fifties" mark. At least I can get an insurance rate drop in another year Ha-Ha! I live in sunny, hotter then hell Arizona but I love it. You can go swimming 90% of the year, get a tan, and wear flipflops year round even when you have a huge jacket on. I started thing so I can stay in touch with some friends who will be moving on to bigger and better things - Megan moving to Utah, Jake, Mal and baby Connor moving to Utah, and Julie moving to New Mexicol. Obviously Utah is a banging spot - I'd go but I am too afraid I will touch a spec of Utah soil and burn up in flames :) Joking! Maybe? I am sure who ever visits this blog will read some pretty interesting things....My life is nothing close to boring! I can be intense, passionate, loud, obnoxious, friendly, outgoing, caring, and shy you name it, so I am sure you will read one thing and then another and be totally confussed. Its okay, I usually am too. Enjoy!
Welcome to the world of blogging! Hopefull this will be the place to get all the latest celebrity gossip. Well, maybe not celebrity but at least we can get all the gossip about your house and car problems! I can't wait!
yay! you are a blogger now!!
I love that you are blogging... I will check it out all the time, so keep me updated!
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