So yesterday (Saturday) turned out to be one of the most eventful nights I have had in a long time. Though it was eventful it was sad that this is the kind of action I get : I had a roommate move into my townhouse at the end of June. His name was Justin and he was 20 years old from Prescott, AZ. Justin and I had discussed my room for rent, rent, EVERYTHING countless times and he assured me what a great roommate he was and how responsible he was. I let him move in and we agreed that for the month of June he would pay $290 since he was moving in 2 weeks before the end of the month. Well when he got down here he only had $231. I decided that was fine because he ended up moving a week later then he was supposed to (lack of communication on his part and me always chasing him down to figure out what the hell was going on). That started my concern over him moving in. So Justin moved in at the end of June and we had discussed finances and I told him he needs to be able to pay me FULL rent by the first week of every month or there were going to be problems. I brought up the fact that he said he had the money to move in at the end of June and came up short and told him that will not be accepted going forward regardless of the situation. He agreed and assured me it would not be a problem. Well.....He said he was going to pay me rent on July 4th. July 4th comes around and I ask him where the rent money was and he said that his job sent it to the store location in Prescott and was mailing it back to his new store location and he would have it to me within a week. He was also starting a new job that pays more and would get paid on this past Saturday. So the agreement was that I would get money on Friday and Saturday from both of his jobs. This was no problem to me, as long as he let me know what was up and stayed true to his word. So Saturday rolls along and he comes home from work. I bring up rent and he plays stupid saying "Oh is it already Friday?"....First of all, come the fuck on you damn idiot! I hate people who play gay ass games. I called him out on it and told him that he said he would have rent for me Friday and Saturday. He said that his new job wants him to do 25 interviews selling knifes door to door before they send him a check, a week later. I told him that was not going to cut it. I was pretty much the biggest bitch in the state of AZ but whatever, I am good at it. I told him that he is living off of me for free and living pretty comfortably with a nice room to sleep in, AC, internet, cable, food....He is making me broke. I have not been able to pay my mortgage because I did not have that money and have been spending over $140 every week on groceries (don't get me started on gas each week!). He kept saying "I understand" to me and I got pissed telling him he does not understand because it is not affecting him. I told him he needed to get his shit straight and figure out what he was going to do because this is not going to continue. I then left because if I didn't I would have probably kicked him in the ass. Yeah I was that pissed off. So I go to my mom's and was thinking about what happened the whole drive there (big whoop a mile). I called Justin and told him that I am fed up and he has a decision - he can either pay me by next weekend or get the fuck out of my house. He asked if I could give him until Wednesday and I asked for what. He said so he does not find his crap outside in the street and can find somewhere else to stay. I thanked him for wasting my time and for negatively impacting everyone in my house. I then went back home because I was LIVID and did not want that douche piece of shit in my house alone. I went to his door and told him to give me my keys back and that he had to be out by Sunday night. Well, he packed his shit and moved out Saturday. That dumb ass tried to talk to me and thank me for letting him stay here. I asked my friend Janet to come over so I didn't do or say anything that I may regret later, or end up in jail. When he was done packing he just stood next to me so I asked if he needed something in a pretty bitchy tone and he said no so I walked outside to sit with Janet while she smoked. He followed me outside and said he wanted to thank me. I pretty much cut him off right there and told him to save his breath because I did not give a shit what he had to say. I told him I feel sorry for anyone that lets him move in because he is a peice of shit and needs to get his act together. He tried to thank me again and said "God bless you".....God bless your ass because he needs it WAY more then I do. I may cuss but I am not a bad person - I do not use people, I do not manipulate, I do not lie or steal. Fuck him. At that moment I told him to get the fuck off of my property and he was like "Okay bye" and I told him peiece out.
Funny and sad thing is it felt AMAZING to be such a frigid bitch. I feel like myself again. I am quick to call people out on their bullshit and let the other roommate slide. Hell no, not this time. I don't even feel bad at all about it. I just feel upset because this happened and could have been easily avoided if he would have a) not moved in, b) been able to live up to his word and handle his repsonsibilities, or c) I made enough money to pay for my house on my own.
Yeah that is my Saturday HAHA. I just don't know why I have that luck with roommates. I am not a bad person but why do people try to take advantage of me and use me? When can I start using other people? LOL. I just can't believe people sometimes and pitty those that are like my ex roommate Justin who have nothing going for themselves and will continue to mooch off of people throughout their life to amount to something. All I have to say is goodbye and good ridance. Now I have to figure out what I want to do because I cannot afford my mortgage on my own. My sister and her boyfriend live with me and pay rent but it is just not enough. I can rent my room out again, rent my house out, get a second job/pick up some OT hours at work and try to make ends meet, or just walk away and let my house get repossessed and get an apartment at 800 a month and be able to live in it comfortably. My mortgage is outragious - I pay $1092 a month plus $156 a month for HOA. If I was living in a pimped out, new house then I would be okay with it but my house was built in 1973 and still has the original marble carpet and green appliances. Honestly at this point it may not be a complete loss to let this thing go. So now I am undecided and trying to figure out my situation and not lose my cool and not go crazy. I want to crawl into a ball and just rock back and forth but I don't have time to slow down for one minute because I am trying to do thousands of things at one time. I can't afford to lose a single minute to lose my cool because I have to take care of myself, my sister, her baby, my pets.....Life sucks as an adult! Never grow up.
My head is so jumbled with crap and there is so much more I want to write but I am just so exhausted I could give a shit right now LOL. Hope you enjoyed this rant :)
1 week ago
Dang Liz! Sounds like you had a pretty crazy Saturday. I am sure that I would have heard all about it on Monday if I was still working at UOP. Anyway our Saturday wasn't as exciting as yours. We just hung out and try to get adjusted.
dang liz, that sucks! I don't think you are a bad person-I think you are too good of a person! you want to believe the best in people and that's why they try and walk all over you. good for you, though, standing your ground and not letting your roomate take advantage of you and the situation! I'm also glad you are not in jail today, otherwise I would be very lonely at work :(
There will be givers and takers in life. Looks like you drew the giver straw. Me too. My tenents haven't paid rent yet, I had to use my saving to pay the mortgage and guess what, IT IS THE 14TH!! So yeah, people suck... the hard part it, the economy sucks right now and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. Try putting your house up for sale and see what you get?? could be good... worth a try, right?
Hey Liz, that sucks that guy wasn't paying. Way smart to get rid of him quick!
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